Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. It is important to consult with legal professionals for guidance on specific legal matters.
Results on engagements and online courses may vary, successful outcome is not guaranteed.

If you need support navigating and escaping a discriminatory hostile toxic work environment enroll in the replay of my Masterclass,
“How to ask for an exit from a discriminatory hostile workplace with 💰 and actually get it”💰 and actually get it”

In this online Master course, I teach you how to make your employer pay you to leave a discriminatory hostile work environment! Its on sale until January 2, 2024!
I share with you my tried and true method for documenting and articulating a discriminatory hostile work place to Human Resource staff in a manner most likely to result in an exit with a negotiated separation with severance.
This a method that I have personally utilized and that I have taught to my clients successfully,
For more tips about navigating and escaping difficult HR situations,
Follow me on IG and TikTok at theantihrhrlady
Subscribe to my YouTube channel
and check out the AntiHR, HR Lady video playlist.
HR is not your enemy but they are definitely not your friend, I am.